Saturday, February 2, 2013

Unity Wreath & Baby Tiger

Hello everyone! Last month since we had Martin Luther King Jr. Day on January 21st, I found an activity on the internet to remember a brilliant man who did great things for our world as well as rejoice, respect, & appreciate the fact that we all come from different cultures but are all great friends. We created a unity wreath by tracing our hands & using crayon to represent our different skin tones. Unfortunately we had very limited resources so we were unable to use paint at this time to create more realistic skin tones. However the children enjoyed the activity & finding their hands on the wreath which we hung up outside of our door for the other classrooms to see. We had an absent student so we left a spot for her for when she came back to school which is why there is a little open space on the wreath. :-)

Also during the month of January we focused a lot on wild animals. We read one of our classroom books called Baby Tiger by (unknown will edit in the author later) which is a classroom favorite. Then the children identified different animal parts and put them onto the tiger where they belonged. We also identified our own body parts & talked about how some of them are similar to the tigers. 

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